The health and function of our physical Structure and Balance are the byproducts of numerous factors. These include the alignment of the spine and joints, the strength, flexibility, and endurance of our muscles and tendons, as well as the integrity of our cartilage, ligaments
Key factors influencing each of the above components are nutrient levels, physical activity levels, and mechanical function.
If you have an automobile with brand new
That same car properly aligned, but with tires out of balance, will experience mechanical dysfunction and premature wear and tear in only a matter of time.
Lastly, have great tires, great alignment, and very poor driving habits (excessive braking, bumping tires into curbs, driving around curves too fast), and it is only a matter of time before the structure and function of the tires and alignment are damaged, wear and tear set in, along with the unpleasant ride.
With the human body, it is basically the same. We need excellent cellular nutrition, healthy physical activities (exercise, stretching, rest), and normal mechanical function for our muscles, joints and bones to be healthy and to stay that way. Poor nutrition, injuries from accidents that are never properly cared for, improper exercise, lack of stretching, or inadequate exercise to develop and maintaining muscle strength, and it is only a matter of time before problems arise.
These problems usually arrive in the form of inflammation, pain, stiffness, abnormal joint function, or the inability to perform at the level we have in the past. If not addressed with comprehensive conservative care, these problems often lead to the use of prescription drugs (which have a long list of complications themselves), surgery (and its associated risks), or at the least, the loss of fulfilling and healthy physical activities that we can no longer enjoy and benefit from.
One very important key that our office always considers when chronic musculoskeletal pain is the primary complaint, is external causes of inflammation. We have successfully treated many individuals for chronic pain by removing dietary sources of inflammation, which can include food sensitivities or macronutrient imbalances.
Once all the information is thoroughly considered, we will clarify which variables seem to be the likely cause(s) of the problem. We will then outline a plan that addresses these causative factors. Usually, these Structural and Balance issues will begin to respond to our comprehensive approach, which also includes sophisticated chiropractic techniques such as muscle balancing and spinal distraction. Changes are frequently noticeable within one to three weeks and sometimes sooner, even for patients with chronic conditions. Optimizing musculoskeletal balance, reducing muscular tension patterns, and normalizing joint
With optimal nutrition, correct spinal alignment, the absence of inflammation, improved muscle and joint function, and at times the addition of PEMF, most of us can live very long and active lives; pain-free and pleasure filled.