Prior to my traditional neurofeedback and LENS treatment, I was not particularly quick to smile, chuckle or laugh. My demeanor was “serious” and not socially inclined. I wondered why I seemed to find it hard to feel motivated and inspired. I functioned responsibly and effectively, but with what I considered a general condition of chronic mild depression.
Environmental noise has been a big problem with me since my brain damage in 1980. Things like neighbors air conditioners, music, TVs, children playing, social events, and the freeway traffic noise through open windows would drive me nuts.
Twenty years ago a neurologist put me on a mild daily dose of Zoloft antidepressant. I quickly experienced “an uplift” in my daily demeanor. I smiled and chuckled at little things, and I had more enthusiasm with my activity and outlook. I stopped using the drug about seven months later because I no longer experienced those benefits.
Dr. Dale was able to show me the problem areas in my pre-treatment brain map that indicated significant opportunities for treatment. This is not particularly surprising in that I experienced severe brain damage in a car wreck in 1980. Prior to the original QEEG, I didn’t have the faintest idea of what, if anything, I would experience as a result of the treatments. The effects of the 12 sessions have caused profound changes in my daily life function.
Most noticeably I found it interesting that the neurofeedback treatments caused a similar “uplift” in my disposition as I experienced with the Zoloft.
Post treatment, much of the above has distinctly changed. I am more light-hearted, motivated with daily activities, and my social presence is more easy-going. While I continue to be a “serious minded person”, things just do not bother me like they used to. Thinking about the future does not cause the anxiety that it used to.
The neurotherapy treatments have caused radical change with my reaction to noises. While I still don’t want the noise to be happening, I do not emotionally tighten up about it and don’t wake up at night thinking about it. I can have distant freeway sound coming through open windows and go right to sleep. This is phenomenal.